Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Reading Series Review: Mark Doty

Hi All! Hope everyone is doing (and writing) well during these first, crisp November days.

I have the honor of presenting our first West 10th review of this year's NYU Creative Writing Program Reading Series. It was written by our very own Community Board member, Lauren Kuhn, and covers the reading by guest author, Mark Doty. Enjoy (and be inspired)!

-Abby Dunn(Community Board)

Doty Reading, October 23, 2009
by Lauren Kuhn

Last Friday night, the KGB Bar, a cramped but cozy little space on East 4th Street, was jammed about as close as I’d ever like to be to capacity. Every seat was taken (sometimes more than once if we’re to count laps) and cemented into place by the less fortunate who squeezed between them, with quite a few more hovering in the doorway and on the small landing outside, just to be near Mark Doty.

Hearing Mark Doty read his poems was a magical experience in itself, but hearing Mark Doty talk about his poems was to come face to face with the raw intensity of what poetry can be. Doty described and introduced each of his poems casually and intimately. I reveled in the ease with which he seems not only to write and to so intensely capture what would otherwise be a fleeting notion, but I was struck even more so by the way in which he seems able to see meaning before it exists cognitively, to see potential before he illuminates it with a poem.

He introduced each poem by talking first of noticing-- noticing the scribblings in the margins of a used copy of Whitman’s Leaves of Grass, the cover photograph of a National Geographic-- and in doing so made it possible to glimpse so vividly, if only for the duration of a few short poems, the way in which he sees. I could notice what he noticed, begin where he began, and see the dynamism of the unfolding of observation into meaning. To experience Doty’s poetry as such a real reckoning was not only to experience the connection between author and audience which exists in art, but was to have affirmed what to me lies at the very heart of the desire to read and to write.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

First Post

WELCOME to the first ever West 10th Blog! The Community Board of West 10th will be using this blog to keep you up-to-date on readings and events happening at the Creative Writer's House as well as at other venues around the city. If you have any suggestions or questions, feel free to leave a comment and one of the community board editors will do their best to get back to you as soon as possible. We will try to add a calendar to the blog and hopefully put up a list of upcoming readings and workshops very soon.

PLEASE join the facebook group!

Also, don't forget to turn in your SUBMISSIONS if you haven't done so already.

:) stay warm & keep writing.